Hi / Hola!
Nice to meet you, I'm Marco

"I'm good with people but better with computers. I love everything related to design, engineering, data science, photography and coffee."

Let's get in contact

Technical Skills

I've worked with a range of technologies in Data Analytics, Business Intelligence and Design.

  • Databases

    Experience with
    MySQL • Postgresql • Sqlite

  • Data Analysis

    Experience with
    Python • SPSS • Excel

  • Data Visualization

    Experience with

  • Version Contol System

    Experience with

  • Design

    Experience with
    Photoshop • Illustrator

About Me

My MO is to learn something new every day. I love brewing coffee; I like going back and forth between a good Sci-Fi and Non-Fiction book! And please don't ask me to lie down on the grass and watch airplanes because I will do that for the rest of my life!